Thursday, December 22, 2005

Problem solvers vs. pain amplifiers

My manager's manager at Pixelworks had a great saying, "Be a problem solver not a pain amplifier." I really liked that sound bite. I was thinking about that saying during my last post on negativity.

This came to mind recently while I was tring to configure Buildbot 0.7.1. I got Buildbot 0.6.6 configured pretty well. I had to read the manual pretty much cover to cover, which a coworker said wasn't necessarily a bad thing, but I got it working. But I had a tough time with 0.7.1. There are a few new features that are definitely worth upgrading for. So I stuck with it and got close. I finally had to post a question the the buildbot email list, which got a very quick (1 hour and 23 minutes) and correct reply. I have to say, the buildbot email list is one of the best I have seen. A very freindly list with very detailed responses. Including very thorough posts by the main Buildbot developer, Brian Warner.

All that to say, Buildbot is awesome and worth the effort to get up and runing.


Blogger Grig Gheorghiu said...


Thanks for the comment about buildbot that you left on my blog. I followed your suggestion and added a Continuous Integration section to the Python Testing Tools Taxonomy page. BTW, it's a Wiki, so please feel free to edit it and add other stuff if you feel like it :-)


9:07 AM  
Blogger Grig Gheorghiu said...

One more thing: I've been playing with biuldbot a little and as you know it's a b***tch to configure. If you have any howtos/tutorials available, I'd appreciate some pointers. My email is grig at gheorghiu dot net.



9:24 AM  

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